Economy crosses borders. So does WOTAX.

Globalized markets exhibit an increasing impact on the way companies do business. Therefore, globalized challenges call for globalized approaches when it comes to finding the right answers and business solutions. Starting from this notion, WOTAXinternational puts out a set of services for your success on the international terrain.

We provide international and multilingual services…

Multilingual and interdisciplinary consulting teams, predominantly in our offices in Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Shanghai (in cooperation with EUNACON), cater to the needs of large multinational enterprises as well as to those of mid-sized firms. The geographic centroid of WOTAXinternational is in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and India. However, we also serve these firms’ sales organizations elsewhere in the world.

…laying the groundwork for start-ups and lasting success

Next to well-established firms, we also assist our clients straight off from scratch starting with a company’s seed phase. Since we at WOTAX know that international business is often all about cultural diversity, we bring an affluent set of experience and consideration to the table. Thus, whether a German company plans to go abroad or a foreign subsidiary wants to set foot into the German market – we help on to achieve sustainable results from the very first minor step to major corporate milestones.

We are your first contact in all corporate matters that relate to business set-up and de­vel­op­ment. We ac­com­pa­ny you throughout the tur­bu­lent seed phase, stand by your side at times of ex­pan­sion as well as in crit­i­cal pe­ri­ods, during restructuring processes or when buy­ing out a com­peti­tor. Consequently, our range of ser­vices in Ger­many includes:

  • audit of financial statements and special audits
  • ad­vi­so­ry services on business start-up and de­vel­op­ment
  • bookkeep­ing and fi­nan­cial ac­count­ing
  • controlling and management accounting
  • con­trol-cen­ter for world­wide book-keep­ing
  • preparing and filing tax dec­la­ra­tions
  • tax-related op­ti­miza­tion of sale and pur­chase chan­nels
  • tax-related op­ti­miza­tion of transfer pricing
  • support on financial plan­ning and decision-making
  • buy-side transaction services (M&A)

It is worth men­tion­ing that WOTAX ad­vi­so­ry balances per­son­al as well as cross-cul­tur­al preferences of, both, corporate management and share­hold­ers. Our ex­pe­ri­ence shows that a har­mo­nized so­cial and cul­tur­al en­vi­ron­ment is key to success in any international activity, whatever its nature may be.

At WOTAX we speak our clients’ language, not only in terms of our clients’ specific industry or required expertise but also in the true sense of the word. More, our international branch extends this notion to a rich set of lan­guages:

  • Chi­nese (Man­darin),
  • Chinese (Can­tonese),
  • German
  • En­glish
  • French
  • Pol­ish
  • Rus­sian
  • Turk­ish
  • French
  • Spanish

Our com­pre­hen­sion of languages, however, goes far be­yond the usual since cross-cul­tur­al com­pe­tence to us is a holistic and client-oriented approach: lin­guis­ti­cal­ly, in­di­vid­u­al­ly and per­son­al­ly.

In ad­di­tion to our more than 20 years of ex­pe­ri­ence in in­ter­na­tion­al ad­vi­so­ry, our clients thus also ben­e­fit from our deeply ingrained  cross-cul­tur­al back­ground that manifests itself in a team of multinational professionals. We jointly ac­com­pa­ny all issues of in­ter­na­tion­al business en­vi­ron­ment and can thereby agitate on the basis of a glob­al co­op­er­a­tion net­work of internal as well as external part­ners to en­sure our clients’ world­wide suc­cess.

WOTAX INTERNATIONAL knows the needs and demands of en­trepreneurs being active in China. For more than 20 years, WOTAX has been helping Chi­nese com­pa­nies in Ger­many to prosper. In reverse, resulting experience and inherently grown com­pe­tence has led us to advise German firms with regard to their activities in China and helping them grow market share overseas.

Notwithstanding, doing business in and with China re­quires to know the rules of the game and these can be substantially different at times. Via our cooperation partner EUNACON in Shanghai we therefore offer to our clients ben­e­fit from a top-tier dis­tin­guished net­work in China

WOTAX INTERNTIONAL makes it an easy start for you.  Our team of fi­nan­cial au­di­tors, public accountants, tax ac­coun­tants and lawyers sup­ports your activities in China through the fol­low­ing services:

  • location and expansion services w.r.t. eco­nom­ic and fis­cal issues
  • tax-optimized ad­vi­so­ry services start-up and expansion activities
  • sup­port on con­tract ne­go­ti­a­tion with ven­dors, land­lords, leas­ing companies and banks
  • assistance in obtaining and prolonging work and residence per­mits
  • planning of management re­port­ing for parent company purposes
  • fi­nan­cial and payroll accounting as well as ongoing fis­cal ad­vi­so­ry
  • sup­port on remaining issues, such as e.g. Chi­nese au­thor­i­ties

WOTAXinternational puts glob­al part­ner­ship first. Pro­fes­sion­al con­sul­tan­cy in a glob­al en­vi­ron­ment is no longer pos­si­ble nowadays with­out co­op­er­a­tion of strong na­tion­al as well as international partners. Hence, WOTAX has been collaborating close­ly not only with local au­thor­i­ties, cham­bers of com­merce, coun­cils of economic affairs and banks but also been privileged of work­ing with an out­stand­ing net­work of part­ners for many years:

  • RSM Wehrens Mennen De Vries Belastingadviseurs N.V., our col­leagues in the Nether­lands
  • Eunacon Certified Public Accountants, one of the most distinguished audit and accounting firms in China
  • Eunacon Law, a law firm consisting of Chinese and German professionals being in existence for more than 10 years

Draw upon our network and business associations to make your business thrive on the international platform!

WOTAX puts glob­al fi­nan­cial information at your fingertip – wherever our are, whenever you need it! In international eco­nom­ic ac­tiv­i­ties parent companies and owners have a systematic need for control of corporate activities, especially in for­eign markets. There­fore, it is high­ly im­per­a­tive to be able to over­come time and lan­guage bar­ri­ers to prompt­ly retrieve accurate, reliable and timely in­for­ma­tion from the ac­count­ing sys­tem. WOTAX meets this demand by offering a tai­lor-made solution.

In doing so, we can deliver a "control center" for financial data providing a pre­cise and re­li­able re­port­ing sys­tem that has all information you find necessary – online and worldwide. Going full circle with our cross-cul­tur­al and multilingual approach, you can choose from different languages, in which you want to track your bookkeep­ing, for example:

  • Chi­nese
  • En­glish
  • Rus­sian
  • Pol­ish
  • German

Any­time, any­where, all bookkeep­ing documentation and records are at your fingertip. With WOTAX management information becomes your steady companion, no matter where you are and when you want it. Of course, it without saying that we em­ploy high­est safe­ty measures equivalent to latest online banking standard . 

Got curious? Get in touch!